Erick White

Student / Developer / Engineer

Hi! I'm Erick White.

I'm an undergraduate sophomore with a passion for many STEM fields, especially aerospace engineering, programming, math. I've wanted to be an astronaut since I was extremely young; I'm studying aerospace engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder, hopefully eventually landing me the job of my dreams. I enjoy volunteering with my local astronomical society at outreach events, as well as programming as a hobby.

Site Info

This website is designed to help you learn a little about me - my interests, hobbies, principles, experience, and more. On each page, you'll find something a little different - some background about me, some of my projects, the work I do, and more. If you ever want to learn more, feel free to contact me!

My Mission

I aim to leave behind positive change with the work I do, no matter how small it may be. Whether it be programming, designing, building, or anything else, I want my efforts to impact the lives of both myself and others. I want to make a change with what I do, and in doing so, hopefully inspire others to make change as well.

My Leadership

I am a leader, able to take a task given to me and, through the effort of my team and I, present a solution. I seek to create an environment within my team in which each member contributes and all members benefit, something sorely lacking in too many teams. In utilizing my talent in both learned material and leadership, I work to make a team environment the best possible workspace.